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on June 6, 2008 at 8:18:41 am



Welcome to the Final Stage


of the AQIP Categories Improvement Project



This collaborative site is for educators and quality enthusiasts who want to help improve the AQIP Category items -- the questions that AQIP organizations answer in creating a Systems Portfolio. In improving the Category items, we want to make sure that colleges and universities who have already created Systems Portfolios are not forced suddenly to redo or revise their efforts. What is presented here is the result of five months of collecting and incorporating comments and suggestions from AQIP participants. You can't edit what appears here, but you can offer comments on further improvements.


Download a MSWord document version of the 2008 Proposed Improved Categories:  The 2008 Category Revision.doc


This proposed 2008 version incorporates these improvements over the previous (1999-2000) version:


  • The Organizational Overview questions and Context (C) items have been combined into and introuction and 9 Overview items, one corresponding to each Category. The goal is to reduce the space devoted to presenting background context in a Systems Portfolio, and keep clear the boundary between context and P, R, and I items.


  • Complex P and R items that combined two or more separate issues have been made separate items and given numbers of their own, enabling an organization to respond to either (or both) items in depth if it so chooses. Organizations creating Systems Portfolios will find that the increase in the number of P and R items (but not in the underlying questions) gives them more flexibility, and Systems Appraisers should find fewer instances in which an organization addresses only part of a numbered P or R item.


  • Following each item, in square brackets, appears the number used for that item in the 1999-2000 editing of the AQIP Categories. This number may appear more than once in the improved Categories, since complex items in the previous edition were split into separate items in the improved edition.


  • Improvement (I) items have been replaced with a single item for each Category, one that allows the organization to explain the rationale behind its choosing the P and R questions it has answered in depth. The I item in each Category must be addressed in depth, and will enable an organization to explain the degree to which it is practicing continuous quality improvement in specific key systems and processes. In turn, this  assessment will enable the Systems Appraisal team to provide better and more focused feedback on how to improve culture and infrastructure for that Category.


  • Overly complicated questions and questions posed in the passive voice have been eliminated or improved. The questions are easier to read, comprehend, and answer.


  • AQIP has simplified the rules for addressing items “in depth.” In each Category, an organization must address at least 1/3 of the total P, R, and I items in depth, and must address at least one P, one R, and one I item in depth.


  • The previous Notes (and explanatory phrases embedded in the questions themselves) have been removed, and placed in an AQIP web-based Notes, Help, and Support for Systems Portfolios “wiki,” where they can be improved and expanded collaboratively and openly by the community of higher educators pioneering the use of quality improvement though AQIP participation. AQIP’s goal is to make Notes, Help, and Support as valuable as possible for those actually creating and reviewing Systems Portfolios. AQIP will monitor the wiki closely to ensure that misleading information is not posted, but intervene only when clear abuses occur.


Select the Category or section you want to comment on from this list (or from the Sidebar menu):

Introducing the AQIP Categories

Organizational Overview

AQIP Category 1 - Helping Students Learn

AQIP Category 2 - Accomplishing Other Distinctive Objectives

AQIP Category 3 - Understanding Students’ and Other Stakeholders’ Needs

AQIP Category 4 - Valuing People

AQIP Category 5 - Leading and Communicating

AQIP Category 6 - Supporting Institutional Operations

AQIP Category 7 - Measuring Effectiveness

AQIP Category 8 - Planning Continuous Improvement

AQIP Category 9 - Building Collaborative Relationships



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