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on September 14, 2008 at 3:56:44 pm



Notes and Support for using the AQIP Categories to create and develop a Systems Portfolio


Notes and Support is a collaborative site provides help to quality enthusiasts in higher education involved in continuous quality improvement, particularly educators who want to explore the AQIP Categories as a tool to help them ask  the questions that will stimulate improvement throughout their institution. AQIP offers the AQIP Categories as a tool for institutional self-study and self-evaluation, and asks instituitons participating in the Academic Quality Improvement Program to use them to structure a Systems Portfolio, a roughly 100 page (or 50,000 word) resource that summarizes what things the institution is doing to achieve its goals, and how well it is doing those things.


Notes and Support provides a collaborative support service that AQIP created and maintains to explain the AQIP Categories as they are used in Systems Portfolios. Notes and Support helps colleges and universities to employ the AQIP Criteria to structure and publish a Systems Portfolio that describes their organization’s quality efforts and their results. And Notes and Support also helps Systems Appraisal teams to provide colleges and universities with actionable feedback about their key processes and performance results, feedback that will accelerate and strengthen their commitment to quality. Higher educators and others not directly involved in AQIP may find the explanations and discussions here enlightening, since their overall purpose is to help both organizational leaders and reviewers identify the key drivers and indicators of exceptional performance, harnessing this knowledge to stimulate quality improvement.


Notes and Support represents the collaborative  efforts of hundreds of administrators, faculty, and staff serving in colleges and universities participating in AQIP as well as the efforts of those AQIP has attracted to serve as its peer reviewers. Any person interested in the application of continuous quality improvement principles to higher education is welcome to contribute to the wiki, and AQIP monitors and edits these contributions only to prevent abuse (e.g., posting irrelevant content) and inhibit the posting of clearly erroneous or misleading information. In doing so, AQIP has consciously chosen the role of “guide on the side,” letting the educators and reviewers using AQIP to apply quality principles to their work to be the “sages on the stage.”


As with any publication of the views, opinions, and advice of a broad-based, diverse group of higher educators, all notes presented here are not equally perceptive, valuable, or practical. Notes provide materials that AQIP has created or has reveiwed and edited, and explain the meaning of the Category items and the rules for constructing a Systems Portfolio as well as AQIP-reviewed and endorsed strategies for Portfolio creators and reviewers.

It also serves those who want to see the results of their helping improve the AQIP Category items -- the questions that AQIP organizations answer in creating a Systems Portfolio. In improving the Category items, we wanted to make sure that colleges and universities who have already created Systems Portfolios are not forced suddenly to redo or revise their efforts. What is presented here is the result of seven months of collecting and incorporating comments and suggestions from AQIP participants.


From the Sidebar menu, select the AQIP Category or topic you want to study or comment on.


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