Notes and Support for using the AQIP Categories to create and develop a Systems Portfolio
This collaborative site is for quality enthusiasts in higher education involved in continuous quality improvement, educators who want to explore the AQIP Categories as a tool to help them ask the questions that will stimulate improvement throughout their institution. AQIP offers the AQIP Categories as a tool for institutional self-study and self-evaluation, and asks instituitons participating in the Academic Quality Improvement Program to use them to structure a Systems Portfolio, a roughly 100 page (or 50,000 word) resource that summarizes what things the institution is doing to achieve its goals, and how well it is doing those things.
It also serves those who want to see the results of their helping improve the AQIP Category items -- the questions that AQIP organizations answer in creating a Systems Portfolio. In improving the Category items, we wanted to make sure that colleges and universities who have already created Systems Portfolios are not forced suddenly to redo or revise their efforts. What is presented here is the result of seven months of collecting and incorporating comments and suggestions from AQIP participants.
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