AQIP Category Six, Supporting Institutional Operations, addresses the organizational support processes that help to provide an environment in which learning can thrive.
Processes (P)
6P1. How do you identify the support service needs of your students and other key stakeholder groups (e.g., oversight board, alumni, etc.)? [6P1,2]
6P2. How do you identify the administrative support service needs of your faculty, staff, and administrators? [6P1,2]
6P3. How do you design, maintain, and communicate the key support processes that contribute to everyone’s physical safety and security?
6P4. How do you manage your key student, administrative and organizational support service processes on a day-to-day basis to ensure that they are addressing the needs you intended them to meet? [6P3]
6P5. How do you document your support processes to encourage knowledge sharing, innovation, and empowerment? [6P3]
Results (R)
6R1. What measures of student, administrative, and organizational support service processes do you collect and analyze regularly? [6P5]
6R2. What are your performance results for student support service processes? [6R1]
6R3. What are your performance results for administrative support service processes? [6R2]
6R5. How do your key student, administrative, and organizational support areas use information and results to improve their services? [6P4]
6R6. How do your results for the performance of your processes for Supporting Organizational Operations compare with the performance results of other higher education organizations and, if appropriate, of organizations outside of higher education? [6R3]
Improvement (I)
6I1. What recent improvements have you made in this category? How systematic and comprehensive are your processes and performance results for Supporting Organizational Operations?
6I2. How do your culture and infrastructure help you to select specific processes to im-prove and to set targets for improved performance results in Supporting Organizational Operations?
Comments (1)
Anonymous said
at 2:37 pm on Jan 4, 2008
In reviewing this category, it seems extremely broad. My comments would suggest moving the areas that support students and their learning to Category 1 - Helping Students Learn, and leaving this Category 6 to focus on the other institutional support services, e.g., accounting, business office, facilities planning & improvement, etc., etc. We are still using the term "library" and yet many institutions have increased their library service areas to include so many more services - are we reviewing from that perspective?
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