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Category 3

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 2 months ago



AQIP Category Three, UNDERSTANDING STUDENTS’ AND OTHER STAKEHOLDERS’ NEEDS, examines how your organization works actively to understand student and other stakeholder needs.


Processes (P)


3P1. How do you identify the changing needs of your student groups? How do you analyze and select a course of action regarding these needs? [3P1]


3P2. How do you build and maintain a relationship with your students? [3P2]


3P3. How do you analyze the changing needs of your key stakeholder groups and select courses of action regarding these needs? [3P3]


3P4. How do you build and maintain relationships with your key stakeholders? [3P4]


3P5. How do you determine if you should target new student and stakeholder groups with your educational offerings and services? [3P5]


3P6. How do you collect complaint information from students and other stakeholders? How do you analyze this feedback and select courses of action? How do you communicate these actions to your students and stakeholders? [3P6]


Results (R)


3R1.    How do you determine the satisfaction of your students and other stakeholders? What measures of student and other stakeholder satisfaction do you collect and analyze regularly? [3P7]


3R2.    What are your performance results for student satisfaction? [3R1]


3R3.    What are your performance results for building relationships with your students? [3R2]


3R4.    What are your performance results for stakeholder satisfaction? [3R3]


3R5.    What are your performance results for building relationships with your key stakeholders? [3R4]


3R6.    How do your results for the performance of your processes for Understanding Students’ and Other Stakeholders’ Needs compare with the performance results of other higher education organizations and, if appropriate, of organizations outside of higher education? [3R5]


Improvement (I)


3I1.    What recent improvements have you made in this category? How systematic and comprehensive are your processes and performance results for Understanding Students’ and Other Stakeholders’ Needs?


3I2.    How do your culture and infrastructure help you to select specific processes to improve and to set targets for improved performance results in Understanding Students’ and Other Stakeholders’ Needs?

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