
Category 2

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 5 months ago



AQIP Category Two, Accomplishing Other Distinctive Objectives, addresses the key processes (separate from your instructional programs and internal support services) through which you serve your external stakeholders — the processes that contribute to achieving your major objectives, fulfilling your mission, and distinguishing yours from other educational organizations.


Processes (P)


2P1. How do you design and operate the key non-instructional processes (e.g., athletics, research, community enrichment, economic development, alumni affairs, etc.) through which you serve significant stakeholder groups?


2P2. How do you determine your organization’s major non-instructional objectives for your external stakeholders, and whom do you involve in setting these objectives? [2P1]


2P3. How do you communicate your expectations regarding these objectives? [2P2]


2P4. How do you assess and review the appropriateness and value of these objectives, and whom do you involve in these reviews? [2P3]


2P5. How do you determine faculty and staff needs relative to these objectives and operations? [2P3]


2P6. How do you incorporate information on faculty and staff needs in readjusting these objectives or the processes that support them? [2P4]


Results (R)


2R1.    What measures of accomplishing your major non-instructional objectives and activities do you collect and analyze regularly? [2P5]


2R2.    What are your performance results in accomplishing your other distinctive objectives? [2R1]


2R3.    How do your results for the performance of these processes compare with the performance results of other higher education organizations and, if appropriate, of organizations outside of higher education? [2R2]


2R4.    How do your performance results of your processes for Accomplishing Other Distinctive Objectives strengthen your overall organization? How do they enhance your relationships with the communities and regions you serve? [2R3]


Improvement (I)


2I1.    What recent improvements have you made in this category? How systematic and comprehensive are your processes and performance results for Accomplishing Other Distinctive Objectives?


2I2.    How do your culture and infrastructure help you to select specific processes to improve and to set targets for improved performance results in Accomplishing Other Distinctive Objectives?



Comments (3)

Anonymous said

at 1:49 pm on Jan 4, 2008

This is the category that really gives an institution the ability to "tell its story" and share its uniqueness. Are institutions using it to their best advantage?

Anonymous said

at 8:33 am on Jan 11, 2008

Regarding 2R2, it seems that attempting to compare results with others when the category is focused on "distinctive" objectives for individual institutions could be very difficult. Is there a way that AQIP could maintain a searchable database of category 2 objectives and results for institutional access?

Anonymous said

at 11:59 am on Jan 14, 2008

This category is designed for the institution to tell us what makes it unique. However, I am not sure that is what is occurring. The rationale for the Category may need to be clarified so it isn't a repeat of Category 8 or material in other Categories.

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