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Category 1

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 2 months ago




AQIP Category One, Helping Students Learn, focuses on the design, deployment, and effectiveness of teaching-learning processes that underlie your organization’s credit and non-credit programs and courses, and on the processes required to support them.


Processes (P)


1P1. How do you determine which common or shared objectives for learning and development you should hold for all students pursuing degrees at a particular level? Whom do you involve in setting these objectives? [1P1]


1P2. How do you determine your specific program learning objectives? Whom do you involve in setting these objectives? [1P1]


1P3. How do you design new programs and courses that facilitate student learning and are competitive with those offered by other organizations? [1P2]


1P4. How do you design responsive academic programming that balances and integrates learning goals, students’ career needs, and the realities of the employment market? [1P2]


1P5. How do you determine the preparation required of students for the specific curricula, programs, courses, and learning they will pursue? [1P3]


1P6. How do you communicate to current and prospective students the required preparation and learning and development objectives for specific programs, courses, and degrees or credentials? How do admissions, student support, and registration services aid in this process? [1P4]


1P7. How do you help students select programs of study that match their needs, interests, and abilities? [1P5]


1P8. How do you deal with students who are underprepared for the academic programs and courses you offer? [1P5]


1P9. How do you detect and address differences in students’ learning styles? [1P5]


1P10. How do you address the special needs of student subgroups (e.g. handicapped students, seniors, commuters)? [1P5]


1P11. How do you define, document, and communicate across your organization your expectations for effective teaching and learning? [1P6]


1P12. How do you build an effective and efficient course delivery system that addresses both students’ needs and your organization’s requirements? [1P7]


1P13. How do you ensure that your programs and courses are up-to-date and effective? [1P8]


1P14. How do you change or discontinue programs and courses? [1P8]


1P15. How do you determine and address the learning support needs (tutoring, advising, placement, library, laboratories, etc.) of your students and faculty in your student learning, development, and assessment proc-esses? [1P9]


1P16. How do you align your co-curricular development goals with your curricular learning objectives? [1P10]


1P17. How do you determine that students to whom you award degrees and certificates have met your learning and development expectations? [1P12]


1P18. How do you design your processes for assessing student learning? [1P11]


Results (R)


1R1.    What measures of your students’ learning and development do you collect and analyze regularly? [1P13]


1R2.    What are your performance results for your common student learning and development objectives? [1R1]


1R3.    What are your performance results for specific program learning objectives? [1R1]


1R4.    What is your evidence that the students completing your programs, degrees, and certificates have acquired the knowledge and skills required by your stakeholders (i.e., other educational organizations and employers)? [1P12, 1R2]


1R5.    What are your performance results for learning support processes (advising, library and laboratory use, etc.)? [1R3]


1R6.    How do your results for the performance of your processes in Helping Students Learn compare with the results of other higher education organizations and, where appropriate, with results of organizations outside of higher education? [1R4]


Improvement (I)


1I1    What recent improvements have you made in this category? How systematic and comprehensive are your processes and performance results for Helping Students Learn?


1I2.    How do your culture and infrastructure help you to select specific processes to improve and to set targets for improved performance results in Helping Students Learn?


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